terça-feira, 31 de agosto de 2010

Practicing English

To practice English is getting easier. The dinamics make to lessons more interesting. I am loving to study this class. You are wonderful. My shyness has declined significantly. But I would like to review prepositions, because I feth much difficutly in the gymkhana.

segunda-feira, 30 de agosto de 2010

The last class was very dynamic, the mimes were very funny, but I was very shy, because my mime was terrible... Everibody enjoyed a lot. The last exercise was very interesting, too. We built various sentences.

Have a nice week!!!

sexta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2010

I really liked the last class, because it was cool and I could
learn new things and practice English with my colleagues.


The last class was interesting. The dynamics with the photos "neighbors" I spoke in public and this is always very difficult for me. But was very quiet, because the teacher and students leave the class more enjoyable.

Class of 14

The class of 14 was very important, because I could remember things I had forgotten. The dynamics was very funny and important to develop the "speak English".

quinta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2010

The class

I think the first activity was an oral presentation too, and the neighbors was very interesting,but I had dificulty in the activity of listening . I need train my hearing, as well, I usualy practice english in the livemocha, now I haven't time, and that is a free site. My time is short because of my new job, but I will have time when to finish the training phase.


The music by Jack Johnson - upside down- is very good for to improve a fluency. He sings easy way,therefore we can to understand of music easily. I hope so...follow the link: http://letras.terra.com.br/jack-johnson/472178/traducao.html

quarta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2010


I really enjoyed the class last. The activity on the neighbors was very good. I believe that this activity was an oral test.
Very good!

The class

The neighbors was a activity very interesting because I improve a story with a partner. I wrote a little text on photo and spoken for public.

terça-feira, 24 de agosto de 2010

Saturday - Aug,21.

I'm sure that first activity was a oral presentation. The teacher said that wouldn't warn about it. Anyway, I thought the activity was very calm and funny.The dynamic about the neighbors was interesting,but the listening activity was very hard too. I need train my hearing.

Below a suggestion.


Anagram Magic is a online game. You can register yourself or not!
You need organize the letters to form words as long as possible. And You can use the marked letters that give bonus points to improve your score.
Of course, all this in english.

It's very interesting because you can learn new words with your opponents. But the game isn't so easy, because the majority of users are europeans and americans. You'll fight people from Canada, Poland, Australia, USA and others. There is canadians a lot.



The dynamic of neighbors was very interesting and comic..really, the appearances are very deceiving!!!

sexta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2010

Although delayed...

Sorry teacher, but this week i was very busy with university, work (i am a trainee)... then only today I could to write something… Would like to say that the lessons reminded me several things I had forgotten and stimulated me to review them.
The class was very funny and interesting, i could remember of the verbs tenses and practice them.

quinta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2010

The class

I thought the review of last class very productive. I could remember the verb tenses.
This bolg is a great idea.

The class

The class was very interesting because Adriana made a review about Simple Past, Present Continuous and Future with going to. This suject is important to begin the semester. Also was very funny because the dynamic.

quarta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2010

The cass of August 14th, it became clear to me that communication in English is much easier than by mimes... I liked the activity, even though I'm very shy girl.

terça-feira, 17 de agosto de 2010

Sorry. I pressed the wrong button... the rewiew of present continuous was very important.
I loved the activity fo mime but I had a little difficult because of vocabulary.
The review

Class day

I loved the first class. The group is very fanny and the teacher has a special way of to teach the conquered all of us.
I was very apprehensive, but now I am very happy.
The review was very important to remember the previous semesters.
The activity of mime was so funny, and discovered talents. I enjoy dynamics.
The group is excited, which is very good and important because, in general, saturday in the afternoon is a period so exhausting and a humorous group makes the class more productive and less boring.

domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010

I’m the first,

The class was cool, because the dynamics was funny and in the same time productive. I liked the group, the people wasn't shy. The review was very important for me, because i could remember some things.

Rodrigo Souza